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Ligo is an open sharing economy platform.

Our mission is to increase competition among builders in the sharing economy by creating an open platform that allows anyone to create diverse sharing solutions.

Our initial focus is on car sharing. Join the waitlist to be notified when we have something to share.

Open Discovery

One of the largest barriers new entrants to the sharing economy face is needing to solve the two-sided market problem. A builder should be able to reach everyone in either side of the market without needing to invest large amounts of capital to change people's behaviors and habits.

Open Tooling and Infrastructure

Many sharing economy platforms need to invest heavily in infrastructure and technology to have a competitive product. A builder should have access to basic infrastructure needed to power their solutions.

Open Payments

Having a specific payment or pricing model inhibits innovation. Builders should be able to use various payment methods and compete with different pricing models.

Open Trust Mechanisms

The 5-star review rating system is the common trust mechanism used in platforms today and does not come without flaws. Builders should be able to experiment with different trust mechanisms and innovate beyond the primitive 5-star system.

Open Ownership

Most platforms today are shareholder and VC-backed startups that grow as fast as possible and later extract profits from other stakeholders. Builders should be able to experiment with different ownership models without compromising any competitive advantage.